October 18, 2023

Elderplan is pleased you’re part of the team supporting prospective new customers. We at BrainHQ look forward to working with you.

The information below is intended to help you learn more about BrainHQ so you can answer customer questions. You can also send the items toward the end directly to your sales prospects.

Items for Agents Only

Two halves of a brain with different colors

Brain Training That Works

The brain is every person’s most important asset. It’s the center of everything we think, feel, and do. Thanks to scientific breakthroughs, we now know what we can do to take care of our brain. That’s why Elderplan is offering BrainHQ: the only brain training program found to be effective in multiple gold-standard clinical trials, according to leading brain research institutes. BrainHQ embodies 30 years of research in neurological science and related medicine. It was designed by an international group of neuroscientists, led by Dr. Michael Merzenich—a professor emeritus in neurophysiology, member of the National Academy of Sciences, co-inventor of the cochlear implant, and Kavli Prize laureate.

What Is BrainHQ?

BrainHQ is a set of online exercises that can be used on a computer or mobile device. Studies show it improves cognitive function, and that these improvements result in real benefits in people’s lives. BrainHQ has 29 online exercises that work out attention, brain speed, memory, people skills, navigation, and intelligence.

Elderplan customers can have BrainHQ suggest exactly which exercises to do, and in which order: the personalized trainer feature, designed by scientists, continuously measures performance and serves up the best exercises for each customer. Alternatively, customers can design their own program, choosing exercises and workouts that meet their personal interests, mood, and schedule. Even those with busy schedules can use BrainHQ successfully. It takes less than five minutes to do each BrainHQ level, so customers can use it in tiny bites or long blocks, whichever is right for them.

A computer monitor sitting next to a cell phone

What’s more, BrainHQ supports customers every step of the way, with great free features such as:

Weekly Challenges

To help them set and reach their goals.

Progress Features

To help them keep track of how they’re doing.

Customer Support

Online and phone support to help them succeed.

Monthly Newsletter

monthly newsletter and other resources with brain health news, tips and more.

Proven Results

World Class Science header image

BrainHQ is a program steeped in science. It’s been rigorously tested by independent researchers in thousands of people and results have been published in over 100 scientific and medical journals.

You can view a visual description summarizing positive results from BrainHQ here.

What Do BrainHQ Customers Say?

Hundreds of BrainHQ customers have shared their feedback on what they think, and how it has benefitted them personally.

Bobi-Rose and Koko
32-year-old Bobi-Rose lives with her extended family in a small city at the southern tip of New Zealand. Four years ago, her father, Koko, was...
Lauren is a manual therapist & neuroscientist. Her path towards manual therapy started when she was looking to reduce the stress of pursuing a PhD...
A highly curious and self-educated person, 66-year- old Mike heard about neuroplasticity, and wanted to learn more. His curiosity eventually led him to online videos...
Reggie M.
U.S. Army veteran Reggie M. was taking a yoga class when his teacher told him about a new class he’d be offering: a brain fitness...
Dulesh P.
38-year old Dulesh was first introduced to Dr. Merzenich’s work in neuroplasticity through the 2013 Australian documentary series Redesign My Brain.
George B.
At 72, retired accountant George has lived a full life—and has no plans to stop anytime soon! As a younger man, he was a professional...

Want to try BrainHQ?

If you have a Elderplan-related email address, you’re invited to try out BrainHQ for yourself! To gain access, please have your name, email address and territory available and send it to: support@brainhq.com. A member of our Customer Delight team will forward you login instructions.

Learn More About BrainHQ

If you have questions, please contact us at 888-496-1675 or support@brainhq.com. You can also visit www.brainhq.com.

If your customers have questions, please invite them to visit elderplan.brainhq.com

Information for Member Prospects

Please feel free to forward these items to your member prospects to help them learn more about BrainHQ

Copy this web address, and paste it into an email: https://youtu.be/eMlg5os1OLM

Copy this web address, and paste it into an email:

Copy this web address, and paste it into an email: https://youtu.be/4v3lH9yz1nM

Copy this web address, and paste it into an email:


Download and print bookmarks to hand out to customers. Use the blank space to include relevant details.


Download and print (or email) a trifold brochure about BrainHQ, its benefits, and its science to share with your customers.