Using BrainHQ In Your Research Study
Manage Users: Create and manage accounts using group licenses for your study participants through the secure web-based group portal. Add and remove participants as needed. Organize your participants into groups to align with your study design.
Supervise Progress: Review usage, progress, and performance of participants through the group portal to provide in-person or remote coaching to ensure protocol compliance. See all your participants in summary through the group portal, or log in as a specific participant to see exactly what your participants see.
Report on Activity: Keep track of your participants. Download detailed reports on individual user activity, or summary reports for your entire group.
Control Training: Apply custom settings to the personal trainer to give your participants specific exercises selected by you. Ensure participants focus on the training you have picked by removing features your users don’t need, like individual exercises or the ability to skip exercises.
Maintain Participant Anonymity: Rely on our HIPAA compliant procedures and our SOC-2 security certification to store participant data, or choose to anonymize participants and only specify participant IDs.
Use Control Games: Use ordinary computer games, such as solitaire, word search, and sudoku among others, delivered on the BrainHQ platform as a control activity for your randomized controlled trial.
Use Assessments: Use BrainHQ exercise-based assessments as positive controls for task learning to strengthen your assessment batteries.
Administer the Useful Field of View assessment: Provide the UFOV assessment and the validated Crash Risk Evaluation to your patients. Advise patients about their driving safety risk. Move them to BrainHQ training to improve their UFOV and their driving safety. Learn more about the UFOV assessment here.